Conference was great! Elder Holland bore powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon during the Sunday afternoon session. Wow. There were so many talks that I loved. Elders Holland and Oaks, along with President Uchtdorf, are always my favorites, and they did not disappoint. I may have a new favorite in Elder Christofferson, though.
It's not too late to watch General Conference! It's broadcast in a variety of languages, including ASL. Soon it will be available to read online, and I'm looking forward to the podcast, which is called LDS General Conference. Aptly named. I get plenty of time to listen to the podcast, since I do so much driving for work.
If you see just one session, I think I would recommend the Saturday afternoon session.
I agreed with you. WHOA! Elder Holland was powerful and BOLD speaker. I felt my eyes wide and can't take off from the screen when he spoke. :D
Are you a Mormon?
Yes, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which people often call Mormons. :D
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