The topics I was teaching were BORING--where you live, what kind of housing, and transportation--so I spiced it up by emphasizing the importance of making comments on their partner's answers. Well, social language is mainly what I do for a living, so it should come as no surprise that I noticed a deficit immediately during the 8:00 class. Their conversations went like this: "You live where? Towson. You live where? Essex. You come school how? Walk. You come school how? Car." See why I had to teach them comments? I taught them comments like cool, oh, nice, far, close, poor you, wow, and really. It went fine, I guess. A lot of the students were punks, but Laynie had warned me that they would be. I think they were fairly well behaved for me.
I think Annie should continue teaching my classes. I'll pretend I'm still sick! Well, excused me for having a boring topic! You figured it out just fine! Sheese! Now it's your new job.
No way! I love teaching, but I'm sure you are better. :D Anyway, they don't want me because I'm hearing.
Silly, you know that you did not set the curriculum. Darn to me I got a boring topic.
On the other hand.... Even when those students are bratty, they don't hold a candle to a nonverbal child with autism who screams, kicks, bites, pulls hair, and head butts you.... Maybe I do want your job! You can have mine.
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