I have not blogged in a while, because I really don't have much to talk about. I have just been hanging out, doing a little shopping and errands every now and then. Laying out for a bit every morning (have to be careful not to burn, what with the Accutane). Doing some yoga.
I have spent a lot of time making therapy materials for listening therapy. It is taking me FOREVER. There are these games you can play with Dixie cups, and the "cards" are little circles. Like milk caps, for the oldies out there. So I have about 1.2 million one-inch, laminated discs to cut out. Got me a little laminator. Really, I don't see how you could be a speech language pathologist without a laminator. CCC and laminator: good to go.
Anyway, I'm glad to have this time to recharge before the exhaustion that is a school year. But I don't doubt that I will be tearing my hair out in boredom in a about a week. We'll see.
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