Two days down, uh... Yup, back to work. I wasn't sure I wanted to go, and not because I don't like my job but because I just wanted to hang out. Now I'm wondering what on earth I did all summer and how I even enjoyed having so much unstructured time. I'm happy to be back at work! When I was at Dayton Oaks yesterday, it did not feel like it had been over two months since I had seen everyone. Just felt like home. What a difference from last year, when I didn't know the people or the job.. because let's be honest, working in Utah and working in Maryland is like night and day. Maryland being day.
But I'm sort of in that position now at Waverly, because I had met some of the people there once or twice but really didn't know anyone (luckly I at least know the job now). I can tell that I will get along great with the teacher of the deaf, Cindy, and her instructional assistant. That is a relief. Between sharing an office and all the service hours our kiddos have, we will be seeing a lot of each other. Oh, and Cindy is helping me get on an interpreter list for Howard County, so I could get a few night or weekend gigs. Yay! Hope there are no issues with me being a contract person (rolling my eyes).
Today I had a training session in nonviolent crisis prevention intervention, and I loved it! Seriously, all SLPs, special educators, and administrators should have the first part of this training. The second part is about handling physically aggressive behavior, which hopefully you would not need with a parent. But the first part is about handling verbal behavior, preventing and defusing situations before they escalate. So valuable. Actually, I think it might help me deal with some family members... ha. I wasn't sure I should even attend this workshop, but now I find myself looking forward to more CPI training tomorrow.
So I'm pretty happy to be productive again--I think it was time. I am really looking forward to my Pals team meeting on Monday, so that hopefully I can get my Pals caseload, and therefore my schedule, squared away. And can't wait to see all the wonderful Pals people.
Hopefully I can look back at this post in April, when I'm mired in reevals, my Pals caseload has ballooned, and there is nary a break in sight, and know that I AM happy to be at work and I DO like my job.
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