[Tuesday, December 6, 2011]
My Girl
[Sunday, November 6, 2011]
Being Happy Now
For four years, I was a nanny for the best child on earth: Morgan. For the last year, I also took care of the sweetest, easiest baby: Carson. I loved them dearly. (Still do.) However, I was getting rather burned out. Young mothers know this feeling. Breaking up fights, teaching kindness, settings limits--raising kids really takes it out of you. The days seem to drag, one turning into the next in a blur of hungry tummies and poopy bottoms.
I worked all day, and I hid down in my little apartment in the evenings. Spending your days with a four-year-old and a one-year-old can be exhausting.
And then I went back to school to finish my education.
Going back to school was the right decision, but it turned out to be more difficult than I expected. That first semester, I cried so often for the children I had left behind. Two thousand miles away! I remember sitting in the temple one time, just sobbing. I was really missing "my" children that day. Sometimes it seemed physically painful to be apart from them. I realized that I had made a huge mistake.
I had gone back to school in January, and I went back in April to take care of Morgan and Carson again. I stayed for the summer and enjoyed my time there so much. And me tell you, I made the most of the time with them. When Morgan's parents began to tell her no, it is Annie's rest time, I would tell them to let her come to me. I allowed the kids unrestricted access to me.
That summer was one of the best times in my life. I had learned the secret of happiness: enjoy was you have. Enjoy the people and places for what they are. Do not spend your time thinking about tomorrow or wishing things were different.
Nothing had changed about the children. The tummies were just as hungry, the bottoms were just as poopy, and the fights were just as frequent. But somehow the days did not seem so long. Or I enjoyed their length. Despite the challenges, I enjoyed every day.
And that is how I learned to be happy now.
[Friday, October 28, 2011]
Slow But Steady
Laynie continues to make very slow but steady progress with her listening skills. Apparently she rocked the difficult word list she has been working on for the last 4-5 weeks in therapy; she got every word correctly on the first try. Wow!
Even bigger wow, upon arriving on the first floor of the tower building and leaving the elevator, she wondered, "Was the last word that elevator said 'lobby'?" That elevator says which floor you are on, and on the first floor, it says, "This is the first floor and main lobby."
[Sunday, October 9, 2011]
Great Sabbath Morning!
And Laynie did an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G job with her talk. Her topic was faith, hope, and charity; she ended up focusing mostly on hope. Truly wonderful.
[Wednesday, September 28, 2011]
She Understood!
I yelled, "Laynie!"
Nothing. But I knew that she was still, listening.
I yelled again, "Laynie!"
She called back, "What?"
I said, "Come down!"
She came downstairs.
I figured that she had just understood from context that I must want to see her, so she should come downstairs. But I was wrong! After the bishop left, I told Laynie I was impressed that she had heard her name, that she knew I wasn't just talking to the bishop. She said, "Yeah, I heard you say, 'Laynie, come down.'"
I said yes, but you could have gotten that from context. She replied that I could have said, "I'm finished," or "He's gone." Good point. But she knew the exact words that I had said. She said she just heard it. What a good listener.
They're Worth It
[Tuesday, September 27, 2011]
Bad Blogger
I'm looking forward to General Conference. So, so much. Which reminds me, I need to upgrade my Fios package to include BYU TV...
Ugh, it's going to cost $10/mo for a while, then $20/mo. I already pay so much for Verizon. I'll have to think about it. Conference is online with ASL interpretation or in the stake center with closed captions. Laynie likes closed captions better... would be nice to have it at home. I'm sure we could go to someone's house, but ours is best. Besides, I'm not sure everyone likes to watch all the sessions, like I do. Saturday Conference is the best!
Work is good. I feel like I'm always catching up, but I love all my kids.
Church is GREAT. Have I said that I love my ward?
I guess I don't have much to say. That's probably why I haven't blogged.
[Friday, September 16, 2011]
Did I Mention That I Love My Ward?
Labels: church 1 comments
[Sunday, September 11, 2011]
Obligatory 9/11 Post
Labels: 9/11 0 comments

[Friday, August 26, 2011]
Great Friends Are Great
[Tuesday, August 23, 2011]
Earthquake, Curriculum, and Chinese, Oh My!
Labels: earthquake, work 0 comments
[Sunday, August 21, 2011]
Three Musketeers
Labels: Katie, Laynie, picture 0 comments
[Tuesday, August 16, 2011]
Good Listener!
Labels: Laynie, listening 0 comments
[Monday, August 15, 2011]
Last Quiet Week
Labels: work 0 comments
[Thursday, August 11, 2011]
Wicked Awesome Pictures!
Labels: Katie, Laynie, picture, Wicked 0 comments
The Wasps
Labels: wasp sting 0 comments
[Tuesday, August 9, 2011]
New Friend and Family History
Labels: church 0 comments
[Sunday, August 7, 2011]
Benefit? YES!
Labels: cochlear implants, deaf, Laynie, listening therapy, Med-El 0 comments
[Monday, August 1, 2011]
Off the Juice
Labels: makeup, sick, wasp sting 0 comments
[Saturday, July 30, 2011]
Sweet Relief
Labels: OUCH, prayer 0 comments
[Friday, July 29, 2011]
Wasps 1, Annie 0
Labels: OUCH 0 comments
[Monday, July 25, 2011]
Listening Girl
Labels: cochlear implants, Laynie, listening therapy 0 comments
[Sunday, July 17, 2011]
This Life Is the Test
Labels: sick 0 comments
I started thinking today during church... Why is this happening to me? What am I supposed to learn from it?
I have this hope that when I learn whatever it is that I'm supposed to learn, this trial will be over. So far, I am learning that I need to take things slower. I need to have faith that I'll be able to earn enough money to support myself even if I don't put in crazy hours. That's hard! I don't have anyone to fall back on if I can't support myself.
Maybe I need to learn what it feels like to have a disability, since I work with people who have disabilities.
Maybe I need to learn that slow doesn't mean lazy or stupid.
I need to think about this more.
Maybe the learning will come after the trial is over. I remember when I moved into an apartment with bed bugs, that it was such a nightmare. Months of the nightmare, and then months of healing from the psychological damage. Seriously, psychological damage! Well, after the bed bugs were gone, really gone, the feeling of relief was indescribably delicious. My home felt clean, and I appreciated that feeling. That was two years ago, and I still stop sometimes and realize how lovely it is to live unterrorized by those horrible creatures.
Maybe after I'm well, I will appreciate the strength I have. It's been long enough now since I was strong, that I miss it. I remember being able to run and lift things and go go go all day. When I stop and think about it, I realize how much I've lost. Hopefully not forever.
The funny thing about trials, and about earth life in general, is that you don't know how long things will last. If I knew that I would have another month of this or another year, I would say that I can do it. I would be able to plan. Just knowing that a trial will end is somehow heartening. But of course we don't know when our trials will end, and we don't know how bad they will get.
Normally I'm a bit of a planner, but I can't do that now. I just don't know what the next day or week or month will bring. I'm taking it hour by hour. If I have energy for a morning, I'm happy. If I have energy for a full day... well, that doesn't happen. But I think I would appreciate it. Maybe that's what I am learning.
I joked to a friend a few weeks ago that I hoped to get A's on my [medical] tests. But there's a bigger test, isn't there? I wonder how this problem will help me gain the knowledge and skills I need to pass that test.
[Saturday, July 9, 2011]
Cool Kids and Conferences
Labels: learning, work 0 comments
[Wednesday, July 6, 2011]
New Home and Old Talent
Labels: moving, test 0 comments
[Monday, June 20, 2011]
Let's Go Already!
Labels: doctor, health, moving, stress 1 comments
[Tuesday, June 14, 2011]
The Right Thing
Labels: children, deaf, work 0 comments
[Monday, May 30, 2011]
Washington DC Temple
Labels: church, temple 0 comments